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If you follow my blog you already know that I make full time passive income with porn sites.

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I work with porn sites for the last 7-8 years and I run more than 400 adult sites.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can read my $100 per day Porn method.

Tons of people are asking me all type of questions every day, and they ask me if they can make money with this method in 2018, or if this method still works, or how to start their site and what’s the best adult tube script.

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I decided to take some time and write this review for you, this is WP-script review, and this WordPress theme is the best, cheapest and fastest way to start your professional automated porn site.


Guess what? I will Do it for You!

If you are newbie and you are not sure if you will be able to set everything up just like I did in my tutorial, I will help you!
I will do everything for you, I will set up your porn site, I will set up your ads, I will guide your through porn uploading 1 on 1 through Skype and I will show you how to get more visitors from Google Search, for Free!
If you want to contact me add me on Skype: adrian.rozic

or Contact me through my Facebook page:

This is not just website design, this is passive way to run your porn sites, so I will explain you how you can run your porn sites while spending only few minutes of your time per day on your sites, I run more than 400 so I know what I’m talking about trust me.


You can also click here to read full A-Z tutorial on how to start your porn site and make money with it.

This is probably the best porn script ever, I really like it because it’s WordPress based so it’s really easy to use it and install it, it’s 10 minutes task.

You can click here to buy your theme from WP-script.

WP-script will offer you 2 different designs, you can buy them for 1 site, 5 sites or unlimited sites, and if you buy it for 1 site you can always upgrade it (just pay the difference) to use it on more sites, so this is probably the best buy for newbies, and this theme will cost you only $49.

But first thing you need to have before buying this script is your porn site hosting and domain.

This is pain in the ass, I work with porn sites for 8 years and I used more than 20 hosting companies, and 99% of them banned me because they don’t support porn.

2 years ago I found perfect hosting for porn sites, it’s called FastComet hosting and you can check it here, I wrote full review of FastComet hosting and I recommend everyone to host their site on FastComet.

They allow everything porn related, they are old trusted company with 200 000+ users and probably the most importing thing about them, they are cheap AF, their hosting will cost you only $50 per year + you will get free domain with it.

You can click here and read my tutorial on how to buy FastComet hosting.

So after you buy hosting and domain, you are ready to buy WP-script so you can start your site.

It’s not that hard to set your site up, but I know there are some newbies who never used WordPress and WP themes and some people spend more than 5 hours creating their site, and it’s really 15 minutes task for me, so you can feel free to contact me on Skype (Username: adrian.rozic) and I will help you.

Now I will explain how to buy WP-script and how to install it.

First thing first, you have to go to WP-Script homepage, click here.

Now you have to buy your WP-script theme first.

Click on Themes in main menu and you will see 2 different themes, Retrotube and Kingtube.

If you want your site to look modern choose Kingtube, and if you want your site to look more like other popular porn sites like Xhamster, Xvideos… you should use Retrotube, I use it on all my sites.

You can check one of my sites with RetroTube theme, click here.

I prefer Retrotube because people will feel better on your site because it will look like real and really expensive porn site.

You can buy your theme license for 1 site, 5 sites or unlimited sites, I would recommend 1-5 sites if you are newbie, click on Add to cart and continue reading this article.

Now you have to buy Mass embedder too, and you are probably wondering, what the hell is Mass embedder?

About Mass Embedder

Mass embedder is plugin for WP-script that will make you porn site business 10000 easier and faster, if you buy WP-theme without Mass Embedder you will need to upload each video 1 by one, and it will take you million years to upload 1000 videos to your site, so WP-script is offering you Mass embedder solution, I use it on every single site and this plugin will be your passive money maker.

Embedder will automatically embed videos from other porn sites directly into your sites, so you don’t have to upload them manually, you can set it up to upload every day, every hour, every week…

If you want to buy Mass embedder too, click on Plugins in main menu of WP-script website and you will get 3 plugin choices.

You will need Mass video embedder plugin only.

This plugin will cost you $79 for one site, $99 for 5 sites and $119 for unlimited sites.

After you decide which Embedder license you want to buy, click on Add to cart.

Now you have to pay for your theme and plugin.

You will see your Cart items above your main menu in your upper right corner.

Click on Cart, and after that click on Go to checkout.

You can pay your script with 2 different payment options, Credit card and Paypal.

Both of them are secured so you don’t have to worry about your money.

After you buy your theme you can contact me on Skype: adrian.rozic if you need my help with your porn site setup, I will do it for you, for free.

WP-Script is WordPress based porn script, so you have to install WordPress first.

I explained you how to install WordPress on FastComet hosting in this article, step by step.

Follow my article about WordPress installation, and after you install WordPress come back here and continue reading my article.

Now you have to upload your WP-script theme and plugin.

Theme and Plugin Installation and Setup

First thing you have to do, Login to your WP-script account, and create new folder on your desktop.

Download your Retrotube theme and Mass embedder plugin from your WP-script account and put them into your new folder.

If both folders are already compressed (.zip) leave them like that.

If you download them uncompressed in folders you should compress them into separate .zip files.

Compressed files are easy to use in WordPress and you can upload them with one click.

Now go to your website and visit your Administrator panel, visit your domain and add /wp-admin after your domain.

For example:

Enter your admin username and password (you created them during your WordPress installation).

Now put your mouse on Appearance, and click on Themes.

After you land on Themes page, click on Add New, and after that click on Upload theme.

WordPress will give you some basic free themes to use for your site, but you have to upload your WP-script theme so you can use it.

Click on Choose file and find your Retro tube theme .zip file file.

Click on Install Now and after you install it click on Activate button.

Now your theme is activated, and now you have to upload your Mass embedder plugin.

Go to Plugins, and click on Add New.

Same story here, when you land on Plugins page click on Upload plugin.

After that click on Choose file and find your Adult Mass Embedder plugin .zip file.

Upload it and Activate it.

Now you will see small notification on the top of your page.

You have to install this free WP-Script Core plugin so you can finish your site.


Click on Begin installing and install and activate this plugin.

Now you are done with your theme and plugin upload.

You have 3-4 more minutes and your website will be ready for work.

Now you have to find WP-script item on the bottom of your menu, and click on Dashboard.

WP-theme will require license key in order to be activated.

So you have to visit WP-script website, log in to your account and get your license key and paste in on your installation box.

After your activation, go to WP-script Dashboard and find Retrotube and Mass Videos Embedder.

Find green Connect Now buttons under those item and click on those buttons, and WordPress will automatically connect them and your site is ready.

Next thing you have to do is to go to your WP-script theme options.

In your WordPress admin panel find WP-script, and click on Theme options.

I will screenshot you my options so you can copy them.

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If you are newbie and this whole process is too much for you, you can contact me on my Skype profile: adrian.rozic and I will install your site for you.

First page I uploaded is General site option page and you can also change number of videos on homepage (my optimal number is 28).

You can check all other items, just like I did.

Now click on Visual options where you can set your Visual options.

First option is your Main theme color, and I like to leave it default, or you can easily pick some color you want to you.

Second option is Custom background, you can upload some HQ photo as your website background, I prefer to leave it Unchecked, as default.

Next step are Logo and Favicon settings.

I don’t use Logo image because it’s easier to use default text editor from this theme.

I use ‘video-camera’ icon logo, and I don’t use text slogan option.

My text settings are Amaranth font, and 33px font size.

In Header settings you will get only two settings.

Aliplugin Pro Free Download

I don’t put Social profiles on my sites, and I show Search bar on all of them.

Next step is Content settings page.

You will get 2 setup sub-pages on this page, Homepage and Video page.

I will show you how I setup Homepage settings first.

Carousel slider is small slider under your main menu, you can check it on my new site:

You can use any settings you like for your slider, and you can check settings from my site on screenshot above.

After you complete your Homepage setup click on Video Page settings.

You should Enable sidebars, disable Autoplay and Logo watermark.

Enable tracking button, and leave button setting as default.

Scroll down and you will see even more Video page settings, you can copy these settings from my screenshot.

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After you save your settings click on Sidebar settings.

On this page you will enable your Sidebar and choose Right position.

Now click on Footer settings.

In Footer column settings you can choose any Footer size you like.

I prefer 1 column or 3 columns, and should choose one of those options.

Turn on your Copyright bar and write something like “All right reserved: 2017”

Click on Membership settings and you will land on this page filled with bunch of options.

Disable all these options just like I did on my Screenshot.

Same story here, go to Mobile -> Advertising and you will be able to see your Mobile phone banner settings.

Aliplugin Free Download

You can use the same 300X250 ads that you perviously generated for other (desktop) Ad banners on your site.

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Setting up general Mobile options is easy, you just have to disable Homepage Widgets, enable Sidebar and Add 20 videos per page and 2 video per row.

Now that’s it, your site is up and running.

If you want to read my full tutorial on How to Start porn site with WP-script click here, in this tutorial I explained How to use Advertising to make money from your site, and How to Make your site SEO friendly so you can get 100+ visitors per day from Google.