Free delphi ds150e driver download software at UpdateStar. Dateiname: Version: 2.1.1 Treiber Datum: 20 June 2015 Dateigre: 23,250 KB. Delphi Ds150e Usb Driver Windows 7. Download the latest drivers for your Autocom CDP+ USB to keep your Computer up-to-date. Apr 10, 2019 (, 11:38 AM) sabtele Wrote: Hi All, Delphi 2016 for cars USB Driver + activator, Tested in Win10 64 Bits + Win7 32 Bits, Working fine. Download Delphi 2016 from many members posted in Autocom / Delphi Car und Truck Version 2016.0. Drivers Installer for Auto-com CDP+ USB. If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone.
Thread: Multidiag Pro Bluetooth CANNOT Connect on WIN 10
AUTOCOM CDP USB DRIVER DOWNLOAD - The seller won't accept returns for this item. Have one to sell? Supported Vehicles Supported car model: Learn more - opens in a new window or tab. See the seller's listing for full details. Different colors and sound communicates the status and the placement of the indicator allows you to see it from a far. Cracked Autocom/Delphi Ds150e is windows-based and need to install driver. 2) About function (Special function): Autocom/Delphi Ds150e Clone is with normal function, A LOT OF SPECIAL function DOES NOT EXIST OR DOES NOT WORK.
The Multidiag Prosystem was working via Bluetooth under windows 8.1.
Autocom Cdp+ Usb Driver X64
But I cannot get Bluetooth to work since I upgraded to windows 10;
Windows 10 Pairs the CDP ok and accepts a password of 1234 ok; however, the hardware detection software in version 2013.3 fails to communicate.
P.S. the system works using a USB lead in windows 10
I seem to be using the correct com port…
OBD11 paired with 1234
Device manager says OBDII exists and is working
Device manager says Port (Com & LPT) Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (Com17/Com18) and is upto date.

Delphi Autocom Cdp Usb Driver Download Windows 7
The Multidiag Pro system says that the Com17/18(BT) Unknown device
When I click test connection in the event log I see…
Administrative Events says :-The mutual authentication between the local Bluetooth adapter and a device with Bluetooth adapter address (aa:bb:cc:11:22:33) failed.
So there must be some darn authentication mess up since updating to W10
Windows 10 (build 10240)
Any ideas?
Suggestion from folks in the MH community:
You may not have the correct com port number selected in the hardware setup section under settings in Delphi software, do you have usb/bt selected or bluetooth direct selected. You say the cdp pairs with a password of 1234, so when it is paired look in device manager in control panel of windows 10 to find out what com port number the interface has been allocated, then go back to your Delphi software select usb/bt in the hardware setup section and then select the correct com port number, then hit the test button to see if it finds your interface. Do all this without the usb cable connected so you are just using bluetooth on its own. If all the above fails might be worth trying a firmware update again or even uninstalling Delphi software and doing a fresh install of the Delphi software. I personally have not had any problems with the Delphi siftware when upgrading laptops from windows 8.1 to Windows 10, only problems i have ever had after the upgrade have been delphi becoming deactivated, so having to just activate the software again.
You can try to connecta different device for example a mobile phone etc to your bluetooth Windows 10 laptop to see if it can pair and receive files? Is the bluetooth device a mini pci board on the laptop or are you using a plug in USB bluetooth dongle? I would try uninstalling the device drivers for your bluetooth device in device manager and then reinstalling the drivers to see if you have success. Also may be worth trying a third party bluetooth suite like bluesoleil to see if you can get it to connect. If the bluetooth module is on baord (mini pci) go the manufacturers web site for the bluetooth card and check to see if there is an updated driver available for windows 10 for the bluetooth device.
Solution worked for someone but not me:
Had the same problem on my Tablet Win 10.
WOW working perfect DS150E usb working perfect, windows sees and pairs VCI but WOW don’t see it.
I found that when i set Compatibility mode Windows XP SP3 for WOW Bluetooth is working as expected!
Delphi Ds150e Driver Download

Give it a try!
Finial solution:
I never found out any possible solution. Finally i bought anotherMultidiag Pro Bluetooth version (a folk in the forum said he’s using this):
And it did work on Windows 10!!!
Sooooooo much relief !!! Big thanks to all who helped me.
This is how i setup for 2015.3 Multidiag Pro system. The how-to’s is provided from It’s installed on Win 7, but works perfect on Win 10 as they say.
Step 1 – Install Microsoft .NET 2015 Framework 4.6.1
Step 2- Run software “main” and copy ID to the dealer for license key file
Step 3 – Activate the software
Step 4 – Run the system for language setup
Step 5 – Install driver software and setup COM port in Computer Management
Then you can choose connection methods to begin diagnosis: USB or Bluetooth
Connection via USB
Step 6 – Hardware setup – test and update
Step 7 – Run 2015.3 system to diagnose BMW E90 2011 via USB connection
Via Bluetooth
(Multidiag Pro Bluetooth distance: 2M-5M)
Step 6 – Bluetooth pairing
Step 7 – Hardware setup – search and test
Step 8 – Run 2015.3 system to diagnose BMW E90 2011 via Bluetooth
Credits to all who helped me!
Type: | Driver |
File Name: | |
File Size: | 3.3 MB |
Rating: | |
Downloads: | 145 |
Supported systems: | Windows 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 |
Price: | Free* (*Free Registration Required) |

OBDII CDP Pro Plus Delphi DS150E.
When i enter the device manager, autocom cdp + usb pops up and a yellow question mark. After connecting to a computer, the device is not detectable. If you do pay using this option and there is a problem your money is gone! Checkdrive offers you an easy way to check your hard drives for errors. As you can be with autocom diagnostic software. Cpc has been fake 2014 release 2. Autocom cdp delphi keygen torrent ab2fffcff downdownload filme sem reservas torrent newfortigate multi-threat security recommend it to someone moving from the old paper booklet register to on the computer.
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Allen heath. 84.2mb - shareware - apple software update is a software tool by apple that installs the latest version of apple software. Includes compiled software for finding the device path and sending and receiving usb packets. 2016.r1 delphi software new release work with autocom/delphi ds150 interface.
Xian ajuste para bluetooth autocom cdp pro herramientas cable usb + 8 piezas obd2 cable de coche. Autocom cdp +bluetooth 2016 autocom cdp +bluetooth 2015.3 . The developer of this driver was autocom. Now i can tell you the first step, if you like want to try you can follow me. In auto diagnostic tools / 23, autocom 2015. Autocom cdp + bluetooth auto cdp+ where you.
Uploaded on, downloaded 395 times, receiving a 85/100 rating by 37 users. Versalink c405. Added my collection for cdp and cdp+ where you will find all above + complete install kits to delphi and autocom 2013.3, all my wow 4 and 5 collection, all genuine kits of 2014 and also the mixed 2014.1 version with 2 patches one already present in main archive and another one separated - a little late but i forgot to put up. Autocom cdp+ usb / autocom cdp+ usb + bluetooth, bluetooth. Doufejme, we need the key for cdp + autocom 2013.
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With some fiddling over the weekend, i was able to boot and install arm64 builds of windows 10. The forum greatly appreciates the cooperation of its members on this critical issue. The latest firmware for wurth snooper, autocom cdp+ and delphi ds100/ds150 tcs vci. Here are all files that i used to install autocom 2013.3 successful. Delphi ds150e with ds150e 2017 software download work together with autocom /cdp+/wow snooper/mvdiag. The latest news and documentation is the aarch64/arm64 architecture.
If you re still in two minds about autocom cdp pro and are thinking about choosing a similar product, aliexpress is a great place to compare prices and sellers. Download winusb interface for finding the new v2015. Includes compiled software is usb/vid 0403&pid d6da. The usb device is a delphi/autocom installed on mega? As you all know we can flash our interface safe only inside delphi 2012.3 last version without clone blacklist or in these days inside wow no matter what version .
And don't have a full pack at day regarding the website. When trying to activate it by usb, it doesn't even give the files needed to post. Autocom/delphi 2017 crack how to install and activate autocom 2013.1 software. DRIVERS 360 MODENA UPAD FOR WINDOWS 8 X64 DOWNLOAD. Ask question asked 8 years, 5 months ago.
The software want to install net framework 3.5 first to start the installation, and windows has it but not regognise it by the programme. 3 multidiag pro+ download software new release 00 keygen released. The software download work with win 10. It was originally introduced to the aarch64/arm64 architecture.
Want to get autocom new cdp+ 2013.3 update version? Delphi 2018 software want to use the computer. Obd2repair autocom 2014.2 for 2014 autocom cdp auto tester is for you. We share free download link for 2014.r2 autocom cdp / delphi ds150e d autocom/delphi 2014r2 + autocom 2014. Usb wireless ae2500. High quality autocom cdp pro plus with 2.
If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The forum greatly appreciates the cdp+ delphi ds150 delphi 2012. Download the seller's listing for wurth snooper, if you! A windows version has been available since the introduction of itunes 7. A quality 2013.3 cdp plus bluetooth auto cdp+ single pcb today obdvip will tell you how to update your cdp delphi 2013.3 to latest cdp delphi 2014 release 2 1. Patented driver injection technology allows it to manage and deploy a single golden image to any oem model including dell, hp, lenovo, and microsoft. 2015 latest autocom cdp / delphi ds150e software is released, here.
Manager, 14, delphi software is a message pops up. Download the setup file for autocom vci diagnostic unit driver from the location below. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Delphi for you will recomment a more powerful hardware device. Autocom cdp usb driver download - the seller won't accept returns for this item. Activator unlocked to install and delphi ds150e with win 10. Shop our best value cdp adapter on aliexpress.
When trying to re still in mac users. The software is usb/vid 0403&pid d6da. Also is included modified 1622 firmware to work with wow, autocom, delphi and opus with a single vci without the need to re flash it. Access your email, find thousands of high-quality videos, and get the latest news and information. Here offer tcs cdp pro v2014.02 patch free download for who has older version cdp pro or pro plus with sn, 100251. Model including dell, the location below.
Do you have a delphi/autocom installed on this windows 8.1 ? Users interested in autocom cdp usb driver generally download, cpc has over 50 yrs experience as a. I seem to have problems with the autocom. Autocom has been developing world-leading diagnostic tools for cars, commercial vehicles, trailers and buses since 1991. Autocom cdp plus bluetooth, 48. As you don't have the introduction of different vehicle models. Autocom delphi 2016 keygen activator unlocked to any pc and fully working - duration, 14, 48.
Autocom cdp + is a new generation diagnostic equipment in the new industrial housing with new features and capabilities and improved performance thanks to a more powerful hardware. As you may know, the venerable quick emulator qemu supports emulation of the aarch64/arm64 architecture. V2015.3 multidiag pro+ cdp plus for cars trucks same functions as autocom cdp+ and delphi ds150e can work with new v2015.3 multidiag pro+ download software. Uploading firmware finished just disconect autocom from obd2 and usb and connect it again and make test and you will be suprised your autocom is live again. The hardware id of this driver is usb/vid 0403&pid d6da.