is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Working ID of the day: Have Fun Unban your ps3. Download/View Free Console ID: BANNED. PS3 ConsoleID.exe. Contribute to xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx/ConsoleID development by creating an account on GitHub. READ DONT HATE! IM JUSTING SHOWING THIS TOOL! Tool made by: Elite Legendary What he says:This is my new Generator coded in C# instead of Java. Console ID Tools. Console ID Tools. Threads 2 Posts 135. Threads 2 Posts 135. Release IDPS Dumper (PS3 NAND / NOR.
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PS3HELPinformation about the seller and his itemsProduct description
Ps3 Console Id
ALL Console IDs ARE 100% PRIVATE And only get sold ONCE!! 100% unique.
!Sony makes ban for id idps only
!You need to replace id idps only
no need to change psid!!!
just replace IDPS and create a new account on pc
PSID does not need to be changed !!!
!be sure to create new psn profile
Stay online and not have to worry about buying Console Ids every couple weeks.
No claims, refunds, returns or negative feedbacks possible after using ID.
As we cannot be sure that it was not your actions (cheats, hacks) that caused any sort of bans.
Have Fun Online.
not needed PSID!
You only need to change Id (IDPS) on ps3 and create new psn acc on pc
The BEST way is to enter id key manually in the program ccapi 2.70 CONSOLE MANAGER
Instructions for replacing id
1) Download the ccapi 2.70 PKG program and install via install pakage file on your ps3
2) Start ccapi 2.70 also on pc and preview the IP address of the set-top box ps3 MENU network setup settings list of settings and connection
3) on the PC in the program ccapi 2.70 File add new console add your ip address ps3 and click right button mouse to connect
4) in the program ccapi 2.70 on PC Open TAB console ids (set boot IDPS button)
5) click to flash the new id that you bought
set boot idps button
id will work even after ps3 reboot
MANDATORY create a new account on the computer by the link!input.action
Terms and conditions.
By buying this virtual item (ps3 id) you Agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
- You agree by purchasing from us that we are not responsible for how you use your console ID. We do not endorse piracy or game altering.
- We are not responsible if the virtual product you buy becomes 'banned' and when you receive the ID is your own responsibility.
the banishment of your CID can only come from your use of this one, and it can come from different reasons:
Too many negative reporting on you when using mods, there is no tool that can protect you from this kind of reporting.
not using 'PSNpatch' or 'psnninja' in OFW mode can increase the risk of banishment.
Using some options in debug setting wish are not compatible with online play
Play with downloaded games instead of the original ones increases the risk of banishment
no refund if id working only replace new id on the day of purchase only!!!
viktor victory:
No warranty for psn cracking!
Additional information

ATTENTION!!! If you have an error 'Access sony entertainment network with this network system is prohibited or temporarily suspended'
Access is temporarily suspended, the error 8002a227 - ban or account error 8002a331 - Complete ban the console from PSN.
With this error to first create a new account!!! as a new mail to your current as well and replace the banned console id only (psid not needed) in Gamesonic Manager
THIS IS A DIGITAL CODE and ALL id is Private only!
Instructions for replacing id
1) Download the ccapi 2.70 PKG program and install via install pakage file on your ps3
2) Start ccapi 2.70 also on pc and preview the IP address of the set-top box ps3 MENU network setup settings list of settings and connection
3) on the PC in the program ccapi 2.70 File add new console add your ip address ps3 and click right button mouse to connect
4) in the program ccapi 2.70 on PC Open TAB console ids (set boot IDPS button)
5) click to flash the new id that you bought
ALWAYS! Create a new account and play.
Have Fun Online friend!
You´ll be back to PSN
1) Run the game only on day of release
2) use firmware functions of Cobra or PS3 CFW SPY 4.83 (No Cobra) CEX Cobra Update by DarekSpy
use the PSN Patch before going to the psn
Use images in ISO format games (games for Cobra)
3) Forget about PSN version of the game and DLC + other change in PKG format (patches, fixes, for the XMB screen). You did not buy them, you can not use them
4) Do not run the PSN is not Will you come to the mounted image of the game, before entering the game LAUNCH PSN Patch. To start a new game, reboot the console and repeat the steps again. ON-> mm-> image Games-> PSN Patch-> launch game-> entrance on PSN.
5) For online Establishments better individual user on the PS3 + to make a fresh registration.
6) Periodically (especially after registration) downloadable demo games occasionally make small purchases
7) Forget all that this run applications from third-party developers while in PSN
8) if you are modding games, you remember that one id can pump up to 2-3 different accounts only!
not needed PSID! Guarantee on the day of sale!
You only need to change Id on ps3 and create new psn acc on pc
!!! do not forget to create a new account because the ban is also on your old id (it is treated by replacing id)
and on the account (create a new psn account)
!!! It is MANDATORY to create a new account on the computer! (not ps3) by reference!input.action
and please login with new psn login and password on your ps3
NEW! PS3 CFW SPY 4.83 (No Cobra) CEX Cobra Update by DarekSpy
We wish you a HAPPY game with your friends in psn!
!Sony makes ban for id idps only
!You need to replace id idps only (no need to change psid)
!be sure to create new psn profile
if you want better price, write me in my skype
wholesale purchase from 5 id at a time only!
no refund if id working only replace new id on the day of purchase only!
No warranty for psn cracking!